Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CH-BOLC Phase 1 Day 1

Well, we're off and running ... in more ways than one! I started my day at 4:30 and gave myself a trial PT test in preparation for Friday. From there I got cleaned up and headed to the school for "in processing" aka Army welcome paperwork. Then the remainder of the day was spent in classes on a wide assortment of topics, some more heavy on the Army side (e.g. - strategic mission planning & how to write an Army memorandum) to some leaning more towards chaplaincy (ethical decision making). Couple of homework assignments, picking up some supplies, then back to my luxurious hotel. As days go here, today was about as tame as they get.

Tomorrow will be a little more what all of you picture it to be like here ... out in the field crawling in the mud. Don't worry, I'm hoping to take pics and/or video.

Until then!

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